In Search of Our Natural Roots

Author: Bonnie Dixon

Michael Mooney ~ Champion for the Supplement Industry ~ In Memoriam

 In 1977, Michael Mooney and Patrick Mooney co-founded SuperNutrition, a company that pioneered the nutrition supplement industry for years until it was acquired by NOW Health Group in September 2019. Together they formulated state-of-the-art multivitamins and were at the forefront of political activism for the passing of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) in 1994.

Throughout his life, Michael worked tirelessly advocating for and researching the science of nutrition and age reversal. He brought his brilliance and passion to new frontiers, creating nutritional protocols that raised the standards of care for HIV, cancer cachexia and burn treatment. For these and other efforts to improve our understanding of holistic health, he earned recognition from esteemed colleagues and the gratitude of thousands of people whose lives he saved and helped regain health with his guidance.

Michael Mooney co-founded The Program for Wellness Restoration with Nelson Vergel; in 2000 they co-wrote the book, Built to Survive, a guide to a healthy approach of living with HIV. 

In 2015 Michael received the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Hall of Legends at the Natural Products Expo given by the New Hope Network.

Michael is survived by his sisters, Kathy and Kim Mooney.  The family is planning to hold memorial services sometime early 2020. 

Donations can be made on behalf of Michael Mooney to Program for Wellness Restoration – PoWer, an organization to improve health literacy and patient self-advocacy by providing patient-friendly educational information to HIV-positive people and their clinicians, PoWeR USA – View Lectures, Articles, and Videos for HIV Advocacy  or The Price-Pottenger Foundation, an organization dedicated to education on health and natural living,

Cheryl Hughes on the Positive Impact of Sandy Gooch

When I was deciding to open my own store it was after looking at a chain called Mrs. Gooch’s Ranch Markets and I thought, Oh I want to work for Mrs. Gooch’s!

But of course, I was fairly new to California and really didn’t know whether she was going to come up to the Lancaster area. And I got an appointment to meet with the queen of natural foods, Sandy Gooch.

Now if you understand anything about the natural products industry, this woman and the stores that she had reached the pinnacle of success in our time they had standards that nobody had.

They fought for foods that were clean of preservatives and colors. Her background was teaching and she educated consumers and raised the entire consciousness of how Americans look at the food on their plate.

She taught about eating your colors.

She talked about getting preservatives out.

So of course, I wanted to work for her but she wasn’t coming to Lancaster. So I picked her brain and I opened my own store and that’s how I ended up with The Whole Wheatery.

But to this day I’m still a friend of this woman and her husband Harry Letterman, who also worked in this industry. They are still consulting people and it’s such an amazing thing to see how people of this industry continue to give back.

Continue to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit of this industry.

And continue to raise the consciousness of the American consumer with respect to food.