Cheryl Hughes, Founder of The Whole Wheatery
Lancaster, California.

So recently I learned about this cool Web site called The

And it’s really kind of a pilot program that’s going to explode on the marketplace because we’re going to trace the roots of some of these amazing people.

And I’ve only listed a few.

But let me tell you I’ve got a list a mile long of the people that have made changes and influence the American palate through the history of just my life. And I only have a short life compared to the history of this movement. And so this is actually a document meet those people continue some of the work that’s been done in the early days like Once Upon a Slingshot.

That’s actually the history of the natural products industry followed by a book called The Natural Prophets which talks about some of these people talks about the co-ops talks about the macrobiotic movement talks about the East Coast and the West Coast how products developed and how transportation to deliver these products from the East Coast to the West Coast made the whole industry explode. About the people that created these products in the early days about the co-ops that supported them. It’s just gonna be an incredible thing for you to watch.

So I hope you tune in to this website.
